To act as a centre of excellence in learning basic and advanced skills to enable healthcare profession students to be competent in delivering the healthcare needs effectively.
To train and develop necessary clinical skills in medical undergraduate, postgraduate students, paramedical students as per needs and competency statements of various courses.
To develop and act as a resource centre for such activities and coordinate between various sections for effective delivery.
To develop resources, materials and course curricula required for various courses.
To train and certify the learners and faculty necessary for conducting courses or establishing such centres elsewhere.
To provide intellectual support for upcoming centres.
Basic Life Support & Advanced Life Support for interns, postgraduates, paramedical workers, nursing students, Ambulance drivers, students of college & high schools, factory workers etc.
Basic Surgical Skills for interns, postgraduates, paramedical staff & medical students.
Basic Obstetric Skills & normal Labour.
Paediatric point of care techniques.
Basic Laparoscopic Surgery Skills & many more.
Skills Laboratory
Dr. Tejaswini Vallabha, Vice Principal, Prof of surgery & Chairperson.
Dr. Vijayakumar T K, Professor of Anaesthesia, Chief Coordinator.
Dr. Girish Kullolli, Assoc. Professor of Surgery, Co-ordinator.
Mrs. Nagamani V Padashetti, Incharge Clerk.
Mr. Mallappa Gundipalle, Peon
Resource Persons: Faculty from the Department of General Surgery, Anaesthesiology, OBGY, Orthopaedics, Peadiatrics and BLDEA’s Institute of Nursing Sciences.