University promotes Research among its faculty/students and always desires to benefit the society and contribute to the achievement of significant outcomes in Academic & Societal spheres. Research carried out at our university has made a meaningful impact over time and we constantly strive to keep contributing to the world through Quality Research
Dermatology Research
The cutaneous manifestations of chikungunya fever: observations made during a recent outbreak in South India.
- Dr. Arun C. Inamdar coined the term “Acute Skin failure” which has been accepted in Dermatology Literature. DOI: 10.4103/0378-6323.18007
- Research work on the Cutaneous manifestation of Chikungunya fever is cited in WHO 2008 Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya fever. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-4632.2008.03478.x
Women & Children Health Research
Two community strategies comparing use of Misoprostol for early treatment/secondary prevention to primary prevention for postpartum hemorrhage: a randomized cluster non-inferiority study in Bijapur district, Karnataka, India (2009-2014) in collaboration with Gynuity Health Projects, New York, USA and the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of California at San Francisco, USA
Global Health Impact: Misoprostol drug is included in
- The government of India brought the changes in its guidelines and accordingly misoprostol drug was included for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, where injectable oxytocics are not available.
- WHO included Misoprostol in the essential drug list.
- Now Misoprostol is used in more than 26 countries.
- The Guidelines for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) by the Government of India and are endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
- Included in ANM’s guidelines of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO).
Women & Children Health Research
CHAMPION TRIAL-Protocol no.:A65870 (2015 – 2017)
“A phase III, randomized, double-blind, active, controlled, multinational, multicenter, a non-inferiority trial using carbetocin room temperature stable (RTS) for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage during the third stage of labor in women delivering vaginally.”
Global Health Impact:
- This trial necessitated the updating of WHO recommendations Uterotonics for Prevention of Postpartum Haemorrhage in December 2018.
- Drug Carbetocin is included by the Indian Drug Regulatory Authorities for Prevention of PPH
Women & Children Health Research
ACTION TRIALS- Protocol no.: A65913 & A65916 (2017- 2020)
“The WHO ACTION I & II (Antenatal CorticosTeroids for Improving Outcomes in preterm Newborns) Trials:”
- It resolves an ongoing controversy about the efficacy of antenatal steroids for improving preterm infant survival in low-resource countries. This is the first time a clinical trial has proven that dexamethasone is also effective in low-income settings—a huge sigh of relief that the world would not have to do away with a “good drug” for reducing preterm newborn mortality in resource-limited settings.
- “Antenatal Dexamethasone for Early PretermBirth in Low-Resource Countries”. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2022398
Environmental Health Research
1)Groundwater fluoride research:
The researchers of BLDE (DU) investigated groundwater fluoride contamination in Indi taluk of Vijayapur district during 2015-2016. Their investigation was unique as this was the first time in India a scientific study had been conducted on fluoride concentrations in groundwater of the same areas over a period of 15-year interval (Ugran et al2017).
2)Establishment UNESCO Dean of Environmental Health under UNESCO Chair (Life Sciences) at BLDE (DU)
3)Metals and cardiovascular cell signal transduction:
Vascular researchers found the exact mechanisms involved in heavy metal (nickel, lead) toxicities in the cardiovascular system by identifying target-specific signal transduction pathways in a rat model.
Global Health Impact:
- 1. Recognized by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India by conferring ‘G.P.Chatterjee Memorial Award’ to Prof. Kusal K. Das, PI of this project during the Indian Science Congress in 2019 (https://www.ugc-inno-nehu.com/isc106-lpu-programme-schedule.pdf )
- 2. UNESCO Chair – Life Sciences (Biophysics, Biotechnology, and Environmental Health) has appointed Dean of Environmental Health under its chair at BLDE(DU) Prof. Kusal K.Das of Department of Physiology.
- 3. Ground-water heavy metal (fluoride) adapted as a guideline for a drinking water policy by Govt. of Karnataka.
- 4. Findings of Vascular Researchers will help to target drugs against metal poisoning.
Vascular Physiology Research
Laboratory of Vascular Physiology is now a part of UNESCO/UNITWIN Network affiliated laboratory under UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences (Biophysics, Biotechnology, and Environmental Health). This centre is the co-ordinator of Environmental Health under UNESCO Chair Life Sciences (2018).
1) Rat cerebral ischemic model: Hypoxia pre-treatment as therapeutic perspective:
- This unique research indicated a possible protective strategy against cerebral focal ischemia or stroke (Das et al 2018).
2) Oxygen transport triad and hypoxia tolerance: HAPE, HACE, COPD perspective:
The oxygen transport triad (pneumodynamic pump, hemodynamic pump & Epo/Hemoglobin) regulates the hypoxia tolerance of an individual in relation to physiological acid-base balance.
- Hypotheses partly explain why COVID-19 incidence is lower in high altitude inhabitants. The work also suggested hypoxia preconditioning as a preventive measure against acute hypoxic complications at high altitudes.
3) Normalized Wall Index (NWI)as a vascular marker in cardiovascular pathophysiology
- This innovative technique to measure the arterial wall and lumen thickness through histopathology was first ever reported in any scientific literature so far by anyone other than BLDE(DU) researchers. This invention will change vascular science research for preclinical trials. DOI: 10.2174/1871525717666190409120018
4) Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia(CIH) and Hyperglycemia: Possible therapeutic uses of calcium channel blocker (Cilnidipine)
- The hyperglycaemic status can be controlled by using L/N type calcium channel blockers like cilnidipine as a possible therapeutic measure. DOI: 10.4103/ijp.IJP_136_20
Social Determinants of Health Research
The Center of Excellence since its inception has been bringing out high-quality data on Adolescent nutritional status (underweight /obesity) from this underdeveloped region and the same is disseminated internationally through publications and presentations. A Cohort of Adolescents (a representative sample of school-going adolescents ) along with their Primary caretakers is established 2011) and followed up longitudinally tracking their nutritional status, dietary and activity patterns in Vijaypur city, a food database of local food items(more than 1000 items) is prepared and the evidence of nutrition transition occurring in this area is documented, these have helped in understanding changing food environment in this region and also the changes in the nutritional status of adolescents. The Center is playing a pivotal role in bringing the international faculty and students through collaborative research projects and providing an opportunity of learning for both visiting and local students.
A Collaborative project on “Drivers of food choice in the context of nutrition transition in Indian households”
- The policy of implications on Public distribution system in North Karnataka, for including local staple millets in ration supply.
Covid-19 Research
Challenges of Pregnancy during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown -A cross-sectional study.
The abrupt lockdown of the country not only prevented the spread of the virus but also brought about hardships to pregnant women in the Covid-19 Pandemic, affected the antenatal care of pregnant women.
Covid-19 Research
In neonates, COVID-19 pandemic is emerging as a new challenge to pediatricians. The risk of neonatal transmission from mother during the perinatal and postnatal period is less understood. This study aimed to identify potential risk factors associated with transmission of neonates born to mothers positive for SARS-CoV-2 at time of delivery and to assess the outcome and thereby elucidate the best infection control clinical practices among mother neonate with COVID-19 infection.
Covid-19 Research
This rare presentation calls for further research in transmission patterns either antenatally or vertical transmission. This report emphasized the possibility of vertical transmission of COVID-19 in neonates from asymptomatic mothers, with significant, early-onset neonatal infection in the form of thrombosis.