1. Dr. R. S. MudholVice – ChancellorChairman
2.Prof. Dr. Arun C. InamadarPro Vice-ChancellorMember
3.Dr. Tejaswini Vallabha Dean Faculty of MedicineMember
4.Dr. S. V. Patil Dean, Faculty of Allied Health SciencesMember
 One Professor appointed by the Vice-Chancellor 
5.Dr. Aravind V. Patil 
Professor, Dept. of Surgery, BLDE(DU)’s SBMPMC, Vijayapura
Appointed by Vice-ChancellorMember
 One Associate Professor appointed by Vice-Chancellor 
6.Dr. Chandrika Doddihal
Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, BLDE(DU)’s SBMPMC, Vijayapura
Appointed by Vice-ChancellorMember
 One Assistant Professor appointed by Vice-Chancellor 
7.Dr. Mallappa Huggi
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, BLDE(DU)’s SBMPMC, Vijayapura
Appointed by Vice-ChancellorMember
8.UGC nomineeAwaitedMember
 Four Nominees of the Sponsoring Society 
9.Dr. Y. M. Jayaraj
BLDE(Deemed to be University), Vijayapura
Nominee of the
Sponsoring Society
10.Shri Sunilgouda B. Patil
Governing Body Member, BLDE Association, Vijayapura
Nominee of the
Sponsoring Society
11.Shri Basanagouda M. Patil
Governing Body Member, BLDE Association, Vijayapura
Nominee of the
Sponsoring Society
12.Dr. Nitin Gangane 
Vice-Chancelor, KAHER, Belagavi
Nominee of the
Sponsoring Society
13.Dr. R. V. KulkarniRegistrarSecretary


Details with Phone Number, Official Email ID and AddressView


1.Dr. R. S. MudholVice-ChancellorChairman
2.Dr. Arun C. InamdarPro Vice-ChancellorMember
3.Dr. Aravind V. PatilPrincipalMember
4.Dr. Dr. Tejaswini Vallabha Dean, Faculty of MedicineMember
5.Dr. S. V. PatilDean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences and Science & TechnologyMember


Heads of Departments of the Institute

1.Dr. R. S. BulagoudaAnatomyMember
2.Dr. Lata MullurPhysiologyMember
3.Dr. B. B. DevaranavadagiBiochemistryMember
4.Dr. Surekha HipparagiPathologyMember
5.Dr. Shrinivas RaikarPharmacologyMember
6.Dr. Annapurna SajjanMicrobiologyMember
7.Dr. Udaykumar NuchchiForensic MedicineMember
8.Dr. M. C. YadavannavarCommunity MedicineMember
9.Dr. S. N. BentoorMedicineMember
10.Dr. Manjunath KotennavarSurgeryMember
11.Dr. Shailaja R. BidriObstetrics GynaecologyMember
12.Dr. M. M. PatilPediatricsMember
13.Dr. R. N. KaradiOto-rhino-laryngologyMember
14.Dr. Rekha R. MudholOphthalmologyMember
15.Dr. S. S. NandiOrthopedicsMember
16.Dr. Renuka HolyachiAnaesthesiologyMember
17.Dr. Rajashekhar MuchchandiRadiologyMember
18.Dr. Keertivardhan KulkarniRespiratory MedicineMember
19.Dr. Santosh RamadurgaPsychiatryMember
20.Dr. Anand NimbalDentistryMember
21.Dr. S. B. PatilUrologyMember
22.Dr. Udaykumar Khasge Emergency MedicineMember
23.Dr. Anand P. AmbaliGeriatricsMember
24.Dr. Sanjeev SajjanarCardiologyMember
25.Dr. Keshavamurthy Aadya Dermatology, Venereology & LeprosyMember


Ten Professors (excluding those who are Deans of the Schools and heads of the departments or rotation, to be nominated by Vice-Chancellor):

1.Dr. S. P. Choukimath PsychiatryMember
2.Dr. V. G. WaradGeneral Medicine Member
3.Dr. Sumangala Patil Physiology Member
4.Dr. Nilima DongreBiochemistry Member
5.Dr. S. S. KalyanashettarPediatrics Member
6.Dr. Prakash Patil Pathology Member
7.Dr. M. R. GudadinniCommunity Medicine Member
8.Dr. Shivanand L. K. AnaesthesiologyMember
9.Dr. Basavaraj ChanduPhysiotherapy Member
10.Dr. Raghuveer G. KulkarniLawMember


Five Associate Professors from the Department other than the Head of Dept. or centres by rotation to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor

1.Dr. Santosh Patil UrologyMember
2.Dr. Ajit B. Janagond DermatologyMember
2.Dr. Praveen Ganganahalli Community Medicine Member
2.Dr. Ravikumar YeliRadio-diagnosisMember
2.Dr. Gireesh KhodnapurOrthopedics Member


Five Assistant Professors from the Departments or Centres other than the Head of Dept. by rotation to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor

1.Dr. Vikas Desai Dentistry Member
2.Dr. Shashikumar T. ENT Member
2.Dr. Anuja M. Kadagud General Medicine Member
2.Dr. Prachi Parvatikar Science & Technology Member
2.Ms. Sudha Soudi . Allied Health Sciences Member


Six persons of repute from amongst the educationist or experts for their specialized knowledge, who are not in the service of the institution deemed to be University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor:

1.Dr. M. S. Ganachari Registrar, KAHER, BelagaviMember
2.Dr. G. S. Narshetty Dean, MGM Medical College, Kamothe, Navi MumbaiMember
3.Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Principal, KLE Institute of Physiotherapy, BalagaviMember
4.Prof. Dr. C. S. PatilDirector, Karnataka Institute for Law & Parliamentary Reform, Bengaluru Member
5.Dr. Subarna RoyDirector, ICMR, NITM, BelagaviMember
6.Dr. Rajesh KhyalappaVice Dean, D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur.Member


Member Secretary and Permanent Invitee

1..Dr. S. S. Devaramani Controller of ExaminationsPermanent Invitee
2..Dr. R. V. KulkarniRegistrarMember Secretary
1. Dr. R. S. Mudhol Vice-Chancellor Chairman
2. Prof. Dr. Arun C. Inamadar Pro Vice-Chancellor Member
One person nominated by :
3. Shri Sunilgouda B. Patil Governing Body Member,BLDE Association, Vijayapura Nominated by Sponsoring Society Member
Three person nominated by Executive Council:
4. Shri Basanagouda M. Patil Governing Body Member, BLDE Association, Vijayapura Nominated By Executive Council Member
5. Prof. Y. M. Jayaraj Governing Body Member, BLDE Association, Vijayapura Nominated By Executive Council Member
6. Shri. Rajeev Naik Chartered Accountant, Vijayapura Nominated By Executive Council Member
One UGC Nominee
7. Awaited Nominee of UGC Member
Three persons nominated by Chancellor
8. Shri B. N. SubramanyamChartered Accountant, Bengaluru Nominee of Chancellor Member
9. Shri. S. S. ShindeChartered Accountant, Vijayapura Nominee of Chancellor Member
10. Shri. Girish HoysalaChartered Accountant, Bengaluru Nominee of Chancellor Member
11. Shri B. S. PatilFinance Officer (I/C) Finance Officer Secretary
ChancellorName:Dr. M. B. Patil
Qualification:BE (Civil), D.Sc. (h.c.)
Phone:08352-263301, Fax: 08352-263303
Vice-ChancellorName:Prof. Dr. R. S. Mudhol
Qualification:MS (ENT), DLO, MBA
Phone:08352-263302, Fax: 08352-263303
RegistrarName:Dr. R. V. Kulkarni
Qualification:M.Pharm, Ph.D.

08352-262770 (Extn. 2327),


Fax: 08352-263303

Controller of ExaminationsName:Dr. S. S. Devaramani
Qualification:MD (General Medicine)
Phone:08352-263306, Fax: 08352-263303
(I/C)Finance OfficerName:Mr. B. S. Patil
Phone:08352-263305, Fax: 08352-263303
Director, Research & Development CellName:Dr. M. M. Patil
Qualification:MD (Pediatrics)
Phone:08352-263305, Fax: 08352-263303
Dean, Students AffairsName:Dr. Anand Ambali
Qualification:MD (General Medicine)
Phone:08352-263305, Fax: 08352-263303
IQAC Co-Ordinator/DirectorName:Dr. Lata Mullur
Qualification:MD., Ph.D. (Physiology)
Phone:08352-263305, Fax: 08352-263303