BLDE(Deemed to be University) has a zero-tolerance policy against Sexual Harassment defined as per the University Grants Commission (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher education institutions) Regulations, 2015. An act of sexual harassment is a punishable offence by the law. For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implications) as:
- A demand or request for sexual favours
- Sexually coloured remarks
- Showing pornography
- Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
- Eve-teasing
- Unsavoury remarks
- Jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment
- Innuendos and taunts
- Gender-based insults or sexist remarks
- Unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over the telephone(obnoxious telephone calls) and the like
- Touching or brushing against any part of the body and the like
- Displaying pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or sayings
- Forcible physical touch or molestation
- Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy.
As per the provisions of the University Grants Commission (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher education institutions) Regulations, 2015, an Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted. In case of any complaints, please contact any one of the following.
Email: icc@bldedu.ac.in
Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
Sl no | Name and Designation | Position | Mobile No | Email ID |
1 | Dr. Tejashwini Vallabha Professor, Dept. of General Surgery. | Chairperson | 9900777645 | tejaswini.vallabha@bldedu.ac.in |
2 | Dr. Ujwala A.Siranadagouda Advocate, Vijayapura. | Member | 9902794005 | ujwalapatil@ymail.com |
3 | Dr. D.G .Gannur Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine | Member | 9448035930 | dayanand.gannur@bldedu.ac.in |
4 | Mr. Satish B. Patil Deputy Registrar | Member | 9060427704 | dy.registrar@bldedu.ac.in |
5 | Mrs. Mangala Koli Nursing Supervisor | Member | 9845767623 | mangalakoli1@gmail.com |
6 | Dr. Sagarika Kothavale PG Student, Dept. of ENT | Student Representative | 9422692180 | sagarikakothavale@gmail.com |
7 | Mr . Yash Arya UG Student , 2019 Batch | Student Representative | 9717556560 | yasharya29@gmail.com |
8 | Dr. H. T. Lathadevi Professor. Dept. of ENT | Member & Convener | 9448142202 | htlathadevi@bldedu.ac.in |