- objective
- To provide for instruction and training in such branches of learning and education as it may deem fit.
- To undertake extramural studies, extension programmes and field outreach activities to contribute to the development of society.
- To do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable to further the objects of the Institute.
- To provide education in medical and health sciences or any other branches that will imbibe human qualities in our students to enable them to practice medicine and health care prudently and equitably.
- To endeavour to improve the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate education by providing necessary infrastructure and learning resources required.
- To encourage the use of learner-oriented methods that would cultivate logical thinking, clarity of expression, independence of judgment, scientific habits, problem-solving abilities, self-initiated self-directed and life learning.
- To encourage innovations in education, teaching methods, student assessment and extension service.
- To provide an educational experience that allows hands-on-experience both in institutional as well as in a community setting.
- To encourage the development of scientific temper, acquire educational experience for proficiency in the profession, and promote healthy living.
- To continually display sensitivity and respond to changing educational, social, and community needs.
- To enable to become exemplary citizens by observation of the moral and ethical code of conduct and fulfilling social and professional needs as to respond to national aspirations.
- To plan and implement transparency and accountability in the governance of academic and administrative activities.
- To promote staff-student welfare programmes.
- To promote public-private partnership in various fields including health care.
- To provide for interaction in training and research programmes with concerned national or international institutes such as University / Board / R & D Organizations / Centers of excellence such as ICMR, AIIMS, NIMHANS, etc.
- To introduce the short-term courses for the award of PG Diploma and certificates from the proposed University.
- To evolve distance education programmes or modularly designed programmes leading to degrees that can be awarded on a credit-accumulation basis in the Deemed University system.
- To create an academic and administrative structure in tune with the changing needs of the society, to enable the growth of each institution of the University into a centre of excellence.
- To promote and sustain international collaborations with institutions, including twinning programs and award of degrees/diplomas.
- To bring in all aspects of creative human activities in medical and allied sciences such as art.
- To organise and promote conferences, seminars, lectures, public debates and exhibitions in matters relating to education.
- To give awards, prizes and scholarships to promote the objectives.
- To form centres at convenient places and promote the objectives.
- To promote education research, training and professional development in medical, bio-medical or any branches of education.
- To collaborate with individuals or universities outside India for the purpose of research, education and extension of knowledge.
- Assist the government in the formation and implementation of policies relating to health promotion.
- To promote educational activities in habitat related environmental issues such as human waste management, hospital and other medical waste management.
- To promote educational activities in habitat related environmental issues such as pollution, energy and its conservation